Become a Member & Start Saving!
Membership provides the peace of mind of best in class roadside assistance, as well as significant equestrian savings.
Exceptional Benefits
If you break down, we provide up to 100 miles towing for your vehicle and/or horse trailer
Tire Service
If you have a flat or other tire issue, we provide tire service, including dual wheeled trailers
Horse Care
In the event of an emergency, we provide emergency stabling, veterinarian and farrier referrals
Roadside Service
Life happens and when it does, we can provide roadside service to deliver fuel, oil or water
If your battery dies, we can provide jumpstart or battery services for your vehicle
If you get locked out of your vehicle, we can provide lockout service
If your vehicle or trailer gets stuck, we can provide winch-outs to get you moving again
Special Discounts
We have discounts on travel, barn/stable products, tack and apparel and much more
Membership Benefits

Emergency Roadside Assistance

  • $400 Towing per Vehicle
  • $250 Roadside Service*
  • $250 Winch Out Benefit per Vehicle
  • $100 Lockouts

*Includes fuel, oil, water delivery, tire changes. Excludes cost of parts and fluids.

Towing – When your vehicle cannot be started or driven, the vehicle and/or Horse trailer will be towed to the destination of your choice up to 100 miles by one of our authorized vehicles. ($400 max per vehicle per incident). When your trailer is not disabled, USRider will locate a provider to tow your loaded trailer to a safe location.

Battery Assistance – Service providers’ vehicles are equipped to boost batteries and perform minor adjustments (exclusive of replacement parts) to batteries, alternators, etc. If you need a battery replaced and installed, a Mobile Mechanic service can be requested. ($250 max per incident)

Flat Tire Assistance – A flat tire on Your Vehicle or Trailer will be removed and replaced with Your spare tire. In the event You have no spare tire or Your spare tire is damaged or otherwise inadequate, USRider will locate and arrange delivery and installation of replacement tires. USRider will not be responsible for the cost of any replacement tires. If damage is done to your Vehicle/Trailer after a blowout, a Mobile Mechanic service can be requested. ($250 max per incident)

Fuel, Oil and Water Delivery – Our service truck will deliver emergency supplies of fuel, oil or water necessary to get You on Your way again. Member is responsible for the cost of supplies. (State and city regulations permitting. $250 max per incident)

Winch Out Service – If your Vehicle or Trailer is stuck in snow or mud, we will dispatch a service provider to get you free. ($250 max per vehicle per incident)

Lockout Service – If your keys are lost or locked inside your vehicle, we will dispatch a locksmith or emergency service vehicle to assist you. ($100 max per incident)

Equestrian Benefits

Emergency Trip Interruption Veterinary Services – USRider will reimburse you for the unexpected expenses due to a collision which results in the injury of a Horse(s) being transported by you. Covered items include: veterinary care, overnight boarding, lodging and meals, rental vehicle. (Reimbursement limited to the first 72 hours following accident and up to $1,000.)

Emergency Lodging and Stabling Arrangements – If, while traveling, your vehicle breaks down or is in an accident that does not involve injury to a Horse(s), USRider will contact area hotels, motels and stabling facilities to make lodging arrangements for you and your Horse(s). (Member responsible for lodging/stabling costs. USRider cannot guarantee availability.)

Veterinarian Referral Services – In the event that you have an equine health emergency while traveling, USRider will provide the name and contact information of area large animal practitioners from our exclusive DVM directory.

Farrier Referral Services – In the event that a Horse needs foot care while traveling, USRider will provide the name and contact information of farriers in your area.

Alternative Equine Transportation – In the event that your trailer is disabled and it is not safe to keep the horse(s) on board, USRider will locate and arrange for another trailer to get your horse(s) to a safe location. The cost incurred in connection with transporting your horse(s) by means other than the horse trailer used at the time of your disablement is not covered by USRider.

Emergency Travel Services

Emergency Taxi Transportation – If you need emergency transportation resulting from an accident or mechanical breakdown, USRider will reimburse you for taxi service. Please see the Membership Agreement for complete details.

Emergency Lodging Arrangements – If, while traveling, your vehicle breaks down or is in an accident that does not involve injury to a Horse(s), USRider will contact area hotels, motels and stabling facilities to make lodging arrangements for you and your Horse(s). (Member responsible for lodging/stabling costs. USRider cannot guarantee availability.)

Exclusive Discount Partners

This valuable benefit offers exclusive money-saving discounts from nationally recognized equine retailers. Enjoy special “Member only” deals on items for Horse, rider and enthusiast, including equestrian gifts, jewelry, art, tack, apparel, vet supplies, services and more!

Visit our Partner Discounts page to see details on all of the discounts and benefits offered by our partners.

Some services provided are subject to certain restrictions and limitations. Member responsible for non-covered expenses and expenses in excess of coverage limits. Please see our Membership Agreement for complete details. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Extended Roadside Benefits

The USRider Premier Plan is the preferred plan for the business or the competitive equestrian traveler. This plan includes all of the Classic Plan benefits plus:

  • Unlimited Towing*
  • $400 Roadside Service**
  • $400 Winch Out Benefit per Vehicle
  • Unlimited Jump Start Benefit***
  • Unlimited Lock Out Benefit***

* To the nearest ASE Certified Mechanic or Dealership, or $600 per vehicle if you wish to go to a different destination.
** Includes fuel, oil, water delivery, tire changes. Excludes cost of parts and fluids.
*** No max benefit

Additional Benefits

One FREE Associate/Employee Membership (Spouse, Domestic Partner, Child under 25, Employee of Primary Member)

Emergency Disablement Expense Reimbursement – If your vehicle is disabled by a mechanical breakdown, accident or collision (reported in writing to state or local police) more than 150 miles from your residence, as a member, you may qualify for up to $300 in emergency trip expense reimbursement (maximum of $100 a day for up to 3 days or 72 hours) following the accident. Covered expenses include:

1. Commercial transportation (by common carrier licensed to carry passengers for hire) to your residence or destination and return to pick up your disabled vehicle after repair

2. Local commercial lodging and meals (incurred in the vicinity where the collision occurred)

3. Rental of a replacement automobile obtained from any bona-fide car rental agency

24 Hour Concierge Service – In the event you should need to locate an ATM, Gas Station, Restaurant, Rental Car Locations, Hospital or simply need Directions to your final destination, we are ready to assist you.

Some services provided are subject to certain restrictions and limitations. Member responsible for non-covered expenses and expenses in excess of coverage limits. Please see our Membership Agreement for complete details. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

* To the nearest ASE Certified Mechanic or Dealership, or $600 per vehicle if you wish to go to a different destination.

** Includes fuel, oil, water delivery, tire changes. Excludes cost of parts and fluids

*** No max benefit​

Note: based on dealership, Good Sam & AAA base annual plans

Join Today
Your membership becomes effective just 24 hours after joining.

Our 24/7 nationwide plan covers everything from lockouts and jump starts to towing your vehicles, trucks, and trailers.

In addition, you will enjoy access to our large selection of exclusive member discounts, emergency stabling/veterinarian/farrier referrals, access to our regular travel and safety information, and more!

Comprehensive Nationwide Vehicle and Horse Trailer Coverage
/per year*
Nationwide Coverage
$400 Towing Per Vehicle
$250 Roadside Service**
$100 Lock-Out Service
$250 Winch-Out Service
Exclusive Partner Discounts
Enhanced Coverage for the Business or Competitive Equestrian Traveler
/per year
Unlimited Towing*
Unlimited Lock-Out Service***
Unlimited Battery Service***
$400 Roadside Service**
$400 Winch-Out Service
Exclusive Partner Discounts
What Our Members Say
USRider Leg Up Fund
Your USRider membership helps those who help horses. Each year USRider will donate a portion of its profits to qualified, worthy organizations that provide emergency equine response through its “Leg-Up” Annual Giving Program. To learn more about the USRider Leg-Up Fund or about starting or becoming involved in an equine emergency response unit in your area, contact us.