Make sure you’re prepared for your next trip with USRider’s top 10 trailering tips. 

Follow these these useful tips to help minimize the stress of traveling with your horse.

1. Get Ready: Download the USRider App to map out your trip, receive health alerts from the EDCC along your path, and have access to emergency vet, farrier and stabling resources at your fingertips.  

2. Plan Ahead: Choose a route with suitable rest stops and avoid heavy traffic. 

3. Use the Right Gear: Have a good halter and protective gear like shipping boots for your horse. 

4. Load Calmly: Take your time and be gentle when loading your horse into the trailer.5 

 Check the Trailer: Make sure doors and windows are secure and that nothing inside can move and scare your horse. 

6. Keep it Airy: Make sure there’s plenty of fresh air in the trailer, but avoid strong drafts. 

7. Check Often: Stop regularly to make sure your horse is okay and not too stressed. 

8. Hydration and Food: Offer water and hay to keep your horse hydrated and calm. 

9. Buddy System: If possible, let your horse travel with a friend. 

10. After Arrival: Give your horse time to relax and get used to the new place after you arrive. 





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